Safety protocols we have implemented in the office

We hope you are all managing well as this interesting and challenging season continues to unfold. 


We are looking forward to offering the option to return back to in-person counselling over the next few weeks.  This transition is going to take time as we are working to implement the guidelines of the Provincial Health Authority and Worksafe BC in our shared space. 


Just to be clear, returning to in-person counselling is an option but is not required; telehealth (online/telephone) sessions will continue to be available to all clients. 


In keeping in line with some of the provincial guidelines for phase 2 of the return to work protocols, we are asking clients who work as essential service workers, who live with essential service workers or who are exposed to a number of people outside of their family ‘bubble’ to remain doing telehealth sessions for now.  We will re-evaluate this and all other measures listed below, as per the direction of Dr. Bonnie and the Provincial Health Authority.  


There are a number of precautions that we are putting in place that we would like you to be aware of as you make your decision about whether to return to in-person counselling: 


1) Office seating in the waiting room and in offices has been arranged for appropriate physical distancing

2) We are only using the offices that allow for windows to be open to increase air flow and as a result there will be fewer clinicians working at any given time. 

3) The markings on the floor indicate the distance needed between clients and the reception desk

4) Restroom soap dispensers are maintained and everyone is encouraged to wash their hands in the washrooms on the first or second floor upon entering the building.  

5) Hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol is available in the offices, the waiting room and at the reception counter.  Please sanitize your hands upon entering the office.

6) We will be scheduling appointments at various intervals to minimize the number of people in the waiting room.

7) We ask all clients to wait in their cars or outside until no earlier than 5 minutes before their appointment times.

8) Physical contact is not permitted.

9) Tissues and trash bins are easily accessed. Trash is disposed of on a frequent basis.

10) Common areas are thoroughly disinfected at the end of each day and the office is being professionally cleaned weekly. 


Most importantly: Please do not come into the office if you are experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 or have been exposed to someone with COVID-19.  We will do the same.  We are continuing to waive cancellation fees and provide telehealth options for sessions in the event of illness.  


For those of you returning to the office, you will be receiving a new informed consent document that outlines much of what is listed above in greater detail.  Please review and sign this document before arriving in the office for your next appointment. 


Please do not hesitate to be in touch with any questions or concerns around this transition.


Laura, Steph and the Shoreline Counselling Team

Thanks for your ongoing support with all this!

Steph + Laura 


Shoreline’s Internship Program: Accessible Care From Tomorrow’s Counsellors


Post-Traumatic Growth